
Mapsource is Garmin's former desktop application, predecessor of Basecamp. Still usefull for slower computers and older devices.

Some tips & tricks to use Openfietsmap in Mapsource.

A full Mapsource installation is only provided when you buy commercial Garmin maps, but there is a way to install it

    1. Download and install Garmin Basecamp

    2. Download and install the latest Mapsource update

For an alternative way to install Mapsource see here (in Dutch)

No Map is visible or rendered badly?

    • Make sure the map is selected: View>Switch to product>Openfietsmap

    • View>Hide GPS map detail must set to View>Show GPS map detail (ctrl-G)

    • Try to clear the cache: Ctrl-G (2x) if the map details are cluttered

    • View is zoomed out to the maximum. Select the map and zoom in on the map: Ctrl -

    • The projection angle can be adjusted with Ctrl-Alt-A if the maps look distorted


Important note: routing doesn't work on longer distances (on some GPS devices max. 20km)!

    • In Mapsource the vehicle must be set to "bicycle" in the menu "Edit->Preferences".

    • Check unpaved roads if you prefer to avoid tracks, (foot)paths, steps.

    • Calculation time on shorter/faster time set the preference to bicycle routes.

    • Vehicle:motorcar/motorcycle (suitable for racing bikes, velomobile). Routing on paved roads only, avoids unpaved tracks, paths or gravel bike paths. Not suitable for car navigation

    • Pedestrian routing is handy within cities, because a lot of oneway streets are open to bicycles in both directions (but not all of them are tagged correctly on osm). Use this setting in combination with 'Avoid unpaved' to avoid footpaths and steps. Pedestrian routing in Mapsource is often blocked when crossing the tile borders (bug); Workaround is try to avoid toll roads in combination with a lot of via-points (avoidance of toll roads will prefer cycling routes, see below)

    • Avoid toll roads will choose a route over cycling routes (national, regional or local). If the network on openstreetmap is incomplete, some strange detours might happen. Adding an extra via-point or setting the road selection to prefer highways instead of toll roads routing can improve.

Display of POIS

To view pois (points of interest) like cycling nodes or bicycle shops at lower zoom levels, it is recommended to set "services" to "on" instead of automatic mode, otherwise they will disappear from 1km zoom levels and lower.

Elevation profile

    1. Select the "route tool" button

    2. Draw a route

    3. Select the route-properties (right mouse click or the window in the left)

    4. Click on show profile

Poi search

    1. Open menu Find->Find Places->Feature (tab)

    • Bicycle node network: Other (communication)

    • Bike shops: Auto services->Auto repair

    • Steep hills (inclines): Other (Repair service)

steep hill pois

search bicycle nodes