unfold this section to read moreWindows:
Unpack the OFM_DE(dd-mm-yy).zip file and place the Openfietsmap(Germany) folder to a location of your choice, e.g. C:\Garmin\Maps\OpenFietsMap(Germany)
Existing files from a previous version can be overwritten.
Run install.exe to install the map for Mapsource/Basecamp. You can safely move the map later to another location and run install.exe again to update it in Mapsource's register.
Depending on your windows configuration, you need to run install.exe as Administrator.
Alternative installation use the gmap procedure below:
Mac OSX (gmap format):
Download the OFM_DE(dd-mm-yyyy_gmap).zip file and unpack it. Doubleclick the folder "OpenFietsMap(Germany).gmap" to run Garmins Mapmanager, or open Garmin Mapmanager and locate the "OpenFietsMap(Germany).gmap" folder to install the map. Read the tips & tricks section how to use the maps
This gmap version can also used on Windows pc's. Just unzip the file and place it in the default Garmin map directory, no installation needed. A recommended tool to maintain your maps is Javawa GMTK.
Unpack OFM_DE(gmapsupp_dd-mm-yy).zip and copy the garmin folder on a microSD card or copy the gmapsupp.img in a garmin folder on the internal drive of the GPS
On modern Garmin GPS units you can give the gmapsupp.img a different filename.img
This GPS version can also be used on Android devices with the Oruxmap app.
Do not copy different versions of the same mapset onto the micro SD card or GPS, otherwise the map will not show!
Germany (OFM_DE)
3D view in Basecamp